Saturday, February 21, 2009

First 19th RS training session

Though the training session was really long from 9.30am till 7.30pm (delayed from 5pm), I still feel that the time passed that fast because I still haven't mastered the dances. Luckily the dances are not of big action. We are actually dancing with hands using sign language. I like it!!! It's more meaningful! left hand is still that "cacat". Also, I learnt them very slowly. =(

Besides dancing session, we also had ice-breaking session which we played games together to get close with each other. I really somehow admire the motivational group leader who can act stupidly. Really stupidly!!! No exaggerating! He's really brave not to care for his image at all. Ha..
Claps to me for not being punished today for losing in games. Actually, I almost needed to use my butt to write letters like those losers. The first game was using another person's identity and act as him. I chose to be a guy named You Liang. When I was asked what's his degree of short shortsightedness by the group leader in front of everyone. I simply guessed and said 400 degree. But, surprisingly, the answer is 800 for one eye!! Wow! 400 already very high but unexpectedly he has that high degree. He helped me by giving me hint. I was caught by the chou group leader and almost became loser. But, when he asked the whole club whether they did see me cheating. Everyone said NO!, forcefully, I was free. hee.. Whew~

The seniors came back to guide and share experience with us today. They are quite old actually. Some are even 10 years older than us. They are strict but I think I will really learn much from them! Looking forward what will TianXin become when mixing with them. Of course, TianXin won't be like the motivational group leader who has no image. Hee..

Too much to describe and hope to share with my readers but really too long and if you don't experience, it would be like telling old time stories which would be very boring., my advice, if there's an opportunity for you to join such event, just go for it! It's indeed enjoyable though tough. But, you'll learn things for sure, like working as a team with discipline but still can joke together.


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