Monday, June 15, 2009

STUDIES first....+ CLUB


66% for my STATISTIC???

What a Joke?!

It's Math subject, my favorite subject. I can score A+ for sure!!! Haihz..

Average marks are 80%...

Even those who didn't do revision also better than me???

Ms. was shocked!
O.O to see my results while I was shocked also O_O + =‘( when I received my results.

Oh my, everyone was saying it's STACT's fault. But, why? Perhaps it's true. But, I would say it's my FAILURE for having so lousy time and mental management.

No way!

I'm aiming FULL MARKS for next test which carries 25%.



  1. perhaps u need to add some oil in ur milk. should have double effect!

  2. aaa,

    ha..I know who are you. =P
    perhaps it's due to oil+milk effect..
