Today is 1.1.11. Happy New Year!
It's another year again! Now let's rewind my life back to the year 2010..Happiness, disappointments, sadness, stupidness, and more I had in year 2010...Not to forget failures and proud moments I had, in M'sia, not China...
To have this post showing my milestone is an inspiration from my brother's blog. It's good to spend some time sitting calmly and refreshing back what have you gone through for the whole year. Here is the pathway that I've gone through in last year, divided into 3 different semesters:
1. January- April: my Philo sem when I start to have this nickname- Philo Lee (actually named by myself ^.^)
I experienced a very different kind of teaching style from Mr. Eric.
I was full with passion in swallowing the textbook and burning midnight oils to make my assignments perfect!
While everyone was advising me to stop spending time in my video production, I did not! And, at the end, we got the highest marks! =) Proud 1~ proud of my passion, not marks..
I got scolded by Ms. Lim in front of the whole class harshly because of my "special" answer for the question "Are we the prisoners of the culture?" Everyone was answering YES while I gave a NO.
I did not feel sad, in contrast, I worked hard to improve myself. And, at the end of the semester, I got praise from Ms. Lim for improving a lot! Proud 2
But, there were also sadness and disappointments.
Due to the side effect of Philosophy and my roles in STACT Club as Vice Chair and Program Coordinator, I questioned a lot and caused many people to be pissed off! Trying to be a thinker like Plato huh, Tian Xin? It all came to an end when my brother told me," It's good to ask but before asking, ask why do you ask the question?" SORRY GUYS! Failure 1
And, my grandma left us...
2. April - Aug: Peak of my life?
I had many of my first times in my life which I never thought of it before.
I became the Internal VP of 21st Community Service because Jack insisted to have the 21st CS!
I took over the role as a Discipline Master and failed badly in playing it nicely! 3A- Action, Attitude, Appearance -.-" Thinking back now, I feel funny!
I acted as counselor of the juniors in encouraging them to take challenges. haha..(a junior even said I'm her idol)
I cried in front of my clubmates for first time, the night before starting the adventure of 21st CS.
I gave a speech during the camp closing ceremony.
I scolded people for the real first time, not because of my frustration, I swear!
I became numb on feelings, comforting others in facing stress! -.-"
I got hated by people! (but, all misunderstandings were clear by themselves after everything came to an end.It was just an emotion)
I did influence on people. ^.^
My sharing got appreciated. =)
So, at the end, I actually want to thank Jack for insisting it!
My favorite quote of the sem:
The greatest achievement is to stand up from failure. -Jing Si Aphorism-
Life sometimes might knock you down, but it's your choice to decide whether to get back up. -Karate Kid-
It's ok to fall down sometimes as long as we rmb to stand up again..this is what I call SUCCESS! -Tian Xin-

Really a spiritual semester! THANKS, PEOPLE!
I had the most enjoying trip in my life ever with them! Perhaps it was because of not sleeping the day before to rush work with mom. Played crazily! Wee~~

the crazy trip to Sungkai in Perak- the hot spring
As many were leaving, Ah chen & King to UK, QQ and Kiet to US, and me to China, we had a few trips.
First is known as the short sem trip. (Movie at Sunway Pyramid, Games at Cassian Kitchen, Pasar Malam at Connaught, visiting Lookup point, conquering Broga Hill, and lastly having dim sum as breakfast at Connaught)

reaching peak of broga hill with just a mini torchlight and a GPS to get our route in the midnight. hahaXD

My fav dim sum shop..5 plates of fishballs..Mei Wen Ti! =P
Second- just back from 21st CS and to Bukit Merah for waterpark..I guess 3 days before departing to China..Mom was gonna KILL me XD

3. Sept - Dec: Journey in China
A rush prepare to start my 4 months' journey in China. I didn't event get a chance to calm myself down to think and prepare for this trip. But, I couldn't say it's wasted. I would just say I did not do my best here!
I joined clubs: Green Society and Student Career Development Association. But, I was kinda disappointed on the system and the people.SO SAD..Sigh
I thought I could mix with my Indonesian housemates. But, nope. We have age gap!!! -.-" haha..actually, it should be communication gap. But, I'm glad to stay with them also. =)
My classmates? Nope..I even got frustrated in their attitude of doing assignments!
I got a close, really close friend! It was really surprising because we were from different university. Our first meet was at Jinji Lake when the seniors brought the juniors for a visit at Jinji Lake.
Still, my male friends are more than female friends. -.-" Whenever I got gifts from them, the little girls would think much! I just got a birthday gift and 2 Christmas gifts. that's all!
I MISSED my family, STACT Club, friendss..missing badly!
I felt SORRY to mom for not utilizing this opportunity well! But, I realize this guilty feeling will only worsen my remaining days here. So, I stopped!
I started to get excited with photography! haha..
I got an INTERNSHIP in Shanghai because of my corrected attitude! >=) I have finally chosen a route I want!
I had a few trips in China
1. Shanghai Expo with Kai Jia & Meng Fan
2. Han San Shi & Hu Qiu with Zheng Yi
3. Xi Tang by myself
4. Nanjing and Changzhou with Chen Huan
I experienced the FIRST SNOW and became sick! I dared not to take any risks of getting sick anymore and so I cancelled my Christmas trip to Nanjing. But, at the end, I was enlightened! haha.."Life is full of risks. So, why should we be afraid of taking risks?" And, I enjoyed my trip at Nanjing! A memorable Christmas trip, visiting universities in Nanjing, travelling tourist spots by myself, visiting Fu Zi Miao, sleeping at McD on Christmas eve, having Christmas dinners, and laughing at the jokes by his relatives on Christmas Day at KTV~
Since I got "enlightened", my days are exciting everyday, maybe because I'm going back to M'sia too!
My new year eve was special as well with so many sudden plans!
11am: I got a phone call to attend a BBQ party with my club
4pm: I went to Carissa's house for Tomyam "steamboat"
7pm: We went to Times Square out of sudden! Visited Secret Recipe and recalled that it's actually a M'sian restaurant! Taken a lot of photos! haha..
10pm: We went back and watched 3 Idiots from year 2010 to 2011! haha!
1st activity on New yr eve with my clubmates!
Tomyam meal! =P My closest friend here. =)
Then, it came to the end of year 2010! Regrets? Yup, perhaps! But, let's make a better year in 2011!
I'm really excited with my future days!
As Tian Xin always says," Every end is followed with a new beginning!"
Wishing all my friends sincerely to have an inspiring year ahead! =)
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