Wednesday, February 18, 2009


We, committees, were asked to contribute an idea each for theme. I suggested "有志者,事竟成". I think it will certainly encourage the kids in rural area to continue their education pathway as I always use it to encourage myself. But, I found that the response wasn't that good yesterday. There was only the vice president who kept on supporting me till the end but my theme still was out of the choice. Instead, many voted 梦之翼 as theme for our club members to burn up spirit among members. The idea of this theme is originated from a game. Honestly speaking, I don't think it's suitable for our theme. In fact, it seems to be more on dreams.

On the way back home, I consulted mom (my personal adviser as she has lots of experience in kid's activities). She suggested 智心。Oh ya! Why I didn't think of it?! I could ensure that it would be accepted. Just see what does it mean! 有智慧的会员抱着爱心开心地完成任务 ! 智慧+爱心, 做起事来也开心! =)Isn't this is the motto of our club??? I quickly sent sms to vice president. But, the next day, the chairperson didn't seem to have the thought of changing. I also don't know whether I should persuade them to use this theme because everything was set yesterday. If I try, I'm afraid that I'll hurt another committee's feeling though he got it from game. What should I do?

Now, we just left another theme to encourage the kids in rural area. I think of using 有志事成 instead of the long one. This is what mom suddenly sent sms this early morning(8am) to tell me though she didn't think that's a good theme for kids as it is quite 沉。It would create burden for kids instead of making them to get interested with studying. So, do you, readers, have any idea?

Having serious mental block now....

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