After postponing for months, we finally got the chance to have our Genting trip on 22-23 Dec08, organized by our Mr. Organizer, accompanying by his gang: Mr. Sociable, Mr. Assistant, and also Mr. CM. While for girls, we had Weiling (camera girl), Lisan, Jiaying and me.

Slightly late as planned, we reached KL Central around 8.30am at McDonald’s. Then, we went to buy bus tickets to Genting. Unfortunately, tickets for morning had all been sold. We could either wait for next round-1pm or take taxi which would cost us up to RM90 per taxi. Luckily we had Mr. Organizer and his assistant, Mr. Assistant to settle this problem and Mr. Sociable to entertain us by playing cold jokes. We were rushing all the time, trying to catch up early bus from other stations. Mr. Organizer felt sorry for that but, indeed we were enjoying. Finally, we all decided to take LRT to Gombak to buy bus tickets for 12pm. To emphasize, my Touch N’ Go really helped me much! =P During our journey to Gombak, our professional camera girl once again, was taking photos of us without our permission. And, we were all kind enough not to take law action on this because we didn’t want to hurt a little girl’s feeling. =P Chatting, discussing New Year party, crapping, telling cold jokes were all what we did during this LRT journey. 30 minutes passed so fast that all of us didn’t realize time passed when we reached Gombak. Our Mr. Organizer and his gang then went to line-up to buy tickets while girls were just sitting. Ha.. Glad to say that we had such gentlemen leading our trip because what they did during this trip was queuing up and girls were just sitting beside and waiting. Hohoho..All were settled around 10am. We had 2 more hours to wait but honestly speaking, I didn’t feel bored for waiting because we had Mr. Sociable there to play cold jokes and a Camera girl who kept on playing with her camera, taking us as models of the photos. =)

12pm sharp, the bus arrived! Led by our Mr. Organizer, we seated; but, just a few seconds, we needed to change seats because…we seated wrong seats! ha..swt..Around 45minutes and “Welcome to Genting!” , as our Mr. Organizer kept on saying. Again, due to peak season, we needed to line up for Skyway. “Maximum 8 people in a cable car”, there stated. But, I think for us, we should separate to 2 cable cars because the guys were so excited on the way. They kept on shouting to other passengers. ha..Luckily we were not blacklisted! ^.^
And, when we reached there, once again, we were walking around because the guys kept on leading us to walk around to tour the famous City of Entertainment- Genting ( they led wrong way)! So funny! And, waited again to check-in hotel but due to our lucky number-775, we needed to wait very long for hundred numbers till our turn so we went to play some outdoor games first and went back to the lobby to wait again because some of us felt more comfortable to sit in the lobby… When waiting for our turn, Mr. Organizer and Mr. Assistant went to “survey” whether there were any bad people around. Such responsible ones.. -.-! while Mr. Sociable taught us the way to bluff (how to play “Bluff”-a card game). In return, I taught him how to play card game which can check how well our brain cell works, fast or slow. He’s the “winner” of the game! *Claps… We laughed madly playing that game or perhaps, I should say that I was the only one who laughed madly because I laughed till my stomach muscle pain. It’s always like that so I just ignored it and kept on fooling with them. Time passed so fast playing such kid’s games. We could finally enter our room. 17120, VIP room. I was staying there! =P
Then, here we go! There’s always a saying, “Girls are slow!” It’s false! Indeed, guys are much slower! You know why? Because they will easily find a chance to act stupidly and time will pass by! =P That’s what the guys did while we girls were ready and waited them. They recognized wrong room of theirs but still continued trying on their room card on wrong room! Ha…
It’s 6pm, if not mistaken, when we really started enjoying theme park like kids. This is especially to our Mr. Sociable whom we could hear his loud yet funny sound everywhere! It was indeed sound pollution, Mr. Sociable. xD Corkscrew, Go-cart, Corkscrew again, Go-cart again… ha..just realized we didn’t play many types because I was too enjoyed of it, maybe. Oh ya, before that, we went playing Spinner and Haunted house which can only scare kids, before check-in. Also, not to forget, after 10pm, we continued to play indoor bumper car and another roller coaster. Piteous Mr. CM while playing bumper car…hee…because everyone was so co-operative this time in banging Mr. CM…
After that, we returned to our rooms because were physically exhausted! But, we continued to play card games till 4am! So bad, I couldn’t laugh so hard because my muscle pain was worsened when playing the card games again. And, I ended up taking Panadol before sleeping. -.-! First time for having it so long! Then, first day of Genting trip had ended!
Nothing much to say for next day because everyone wasn’t feeling well; so, instead of continuing to our next destination when reached KL, we separated for our destination respectively. Guys continued theirs while girls went back home.
Finally, our adventurous trip ended! Thanks to everyone for making it so fun!