using my eyes to see the world, trying to use my heart to feel the world...
Saturday, January 31, 2009
6th day of CNY..friends of 3siblings paying visit...
Mine came first like what was planned. Weiling and Lisan came around 11.30am then we went to VegePai to have meal with brother Zhi's girlfriend. Special? or perhaps using weird to describe will be better. I think this is the first time for them to have meal with friend's Mom when "bai nian" and even funnier is having meal with friend's brother's girlfriend. Ha.. But,I think Weiling and Lisan also that weird one la so should be quite used to such weird 拜年方式. =P (Actually, I also felt weird weird one and didn't know what to chat in front of Mom and his girlfriend.)Chopstick War began when the dishes were served. Mom helped Enshe, Enshe helped Mom, Weiling helped Mom,etc..
After that, we then went back to house and I invited them to my room to sit and chat. Actually, we had nothing to do, just waiting the time to pass so that they could go Pyramid to watch movie around 3pm. Oh, we played mini ping pong. Weiling Vs TianXin! Result: Both lost!
After they went back, I thought that I could study but I couldn't. I kept on forgetting what have been read by me even after few minutes. So, I stopped and thought that I should get a rest but my mind was still opened while laying on the bed for 2hours. Then, I finally woke up when Lu's friends came. Among them, there was Zhi's friend as well who was the driver of those kids today.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
3rd day of CNY with friend...
Carol reached in time and we watched INKHEART. Nice movie! A classic, I would say. It's funny, exciting and touching.
After that, we waited for bus to go my house. Today was not really smooth! While waiting for bus, it started to rain. And, we waited for the bus for about 1hour!
Finally, we reached home! Nothing much to do at my house. So, we decided to go for steamboat at Eastern Delight. But, so unlucky, it was not opened. So, we thought it was closed during CNY since it still closed at 5pm. No choice for us, we went to Tasty Pot Steamboat Restaurant. I swear that I will not visit there anymore. So expensive! Moreover, it isn't worth! RM17 for per person with little food. So,please don't go there! Go Eastern Delight! =)
Then, we planned to go for dessert but the dessert house wasn't opened! Another cafe which should have dessert--Rabbit Cafe! But, don't know why, I couldn't find any dessert in the menu. Ish...
And,that's my day! =)
CNY in 2009...
Besides that, my Management lecturer behaves like Mr. Michael! Pro in crapping and asking to do this and that in a sudden which is actually no need! He hasn't even finished chapter 1 after weeks while other lecturers have reached chapt 5! And, Management has many chapters for us to cover up! Just be independent, I know!
Then, the most horrible subject-- History! It's even worse for you to study history about America and about its Government! After CNY, there will be a test for that subject. 5 CHAPTERS to be tested while I've just finished doing 2 chapters' notes but after finishing this chapter, I'll find hard to recall back the important things of the chapters before! pa pa~
I thought I could enjoy this CNY by paying visits to friends' house but I couldn't find time to do so! Study, study and study! Ish... I still have Management group assignment, case study, tests, handle!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
2nd day of CNY..
Early in the morning, we went to grandma's house to help preparing food. It was really early for me to wake up at 7.30am while I slept at 2am midnight yesterday. -.-" So, I looked blurred.
Ordered by mom, I chopped the pork, using the whole energy I Left. Yong yin (cousin sister) came down and looked at me for a while then went up. Unbelievably, she went and told her mom like that:" Mom, faster go downstairs to see the Jie Jie! She's chopping the meat till no feeling already!" I just realized when her mom went down to "rescue" me. -.-" I didn't feel tired because of chopping, honestly!
Then, using my creative brain, I created shapes for the meat ball.Triangle, oval and square. But, when the meat balls were fried, it made no difference at all because all looked round. -.-" We even found one which looked like a broken heart. *sob Actually, it should be triangular shape but after being fried, it broke. Too bad, too sad...
I was glad to meet the cuties(my relatives) today; a little girl and a baby boy. Their eyes are soooo biggg! So cute! Especially the baby boy's eyes. They frightened me! ha...The baby looks like Balgsy (hamster in Bedtime Stories) while his sister looks like rabbit. Ha..good imagination,huh? =P
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Feelings on 21Jan09...
Chinese New Year is just around the corner but this makes me to feel afraid. This sem, I'm taking 5 subjects which I don't really like all except for accounting as all are theories. I need to learn how to operate Microsoft Word and Excel (-.-"); study the American politics; and also hear craps from Management lecturer(like Mr. Mic, really!). I also don't know whether I did concentrate in the class so far since the semester started 2 weeks ago, except for accounting which I did really pay full attention on it. Haihz.. I'm really afraid that I would not be able to score the requiring grade (3.0) to continue my scholarship! Also, I need to be active in at least 2 clubs, told by Mr.Amir months ago that it is a must to pass up a report regarding activities participated by scholarship holder. I didn't know about this till the end of my 2nd semester. So, this semester, I really need to "activate" myself! I haven't been a committee before but I know I could do well.
Today, I was asked to be the committee of STACT club. I'm looking forward to the activities because I was told that training will be given before doing community service. Ha..
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Out with Carol..
After having our delicious yet spicy lunch, we started to loiter around, from Mid-Valley to The Gardens then back to Mid-Valley. Maybe we really had nothing to do, I felt hungry easily. Still feeling full but wanted to eat something. So, we went to Jusco supermarket and bought fried sushi.
Then, we were thirsty so decided to have drinks. I led Carol from the supermarket to the end (burger king there) then went back again for twice, I guess, just to find the herbal tea shop. Carol started to give up and just asked me to buy mineral water. I said NO! Ha... Like tricking her, I guess. >=) But, honestly, I didn't do it purposely one, please believe me. It's for her own good to drink herbal tea as she's having ulcer in her mouth for months already. We order to "wong lo kat". Actually, I just knew the drink minutes before when we tried it at Jusco supermarket. It really tasted good! So, I thought it'd be same in the herbal tea shop. But, the ones we ordered there were bitter and Carol felt regretful and missed her mineral water. She couldn't continue to drink but, since we had ordered, we needed to drink finish. She then said,"Who's the slowest to finish is tortoise!" then, she started to drink while I was still laughing madly till couldn't start drinking. Yea, she won and I was "tortoise". -.-"
Around 5.30pm, mom called me, saying that she could fetch me now. So, we separated. I walked smoothly back to North Court after we reached KTM while Carol needed to "squeeze" in order to pass through the people at KTM station.
Though we did nothing, I still didn't regret of coming. I felt calm and relaxed instead. When reached home, I slept from 6.30pm-11.30pm and was woken by MOM and Lu's sound pollution of quarreling. Then, taken a bath, I then tried to sleep again around 1am.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Inti Orientation night with CHS friends..
Today was actually quite lucky to me! First, teacher announced that the 1hour class on Friday will be canceled and added to the 1 hour class on Monday, which means besides Wed, we need to attend 6hours class continuously without break.Aiks..But, at least better than spending time to travel.
Next, I dropped my purse at Asia Cafe when having dinner there with them! It's not the one which I usually bring along, but, just a small purse which contained my IC, student card and RM6.I was so slow to find out it was missing. Then, I tried to rush back to Asia Cafe and hovered around the table we had just now. I thought that it had really gone! Oh my! But, I still decided to make a try on asking the workers there and ha!, he did help me to keep it! Whew~ thank God! It isn't a matter anymore for the missing RM6 inside. See, how lucky I was!
Also, I lost my check last week after few minutes taken my salary at Mid-Valley! Wa~ I didn't know what to do, just returning to my route and the bank for times. The workers in bank saw me but had no reaction, so I assumed they didn't get my check. But, I still tried to ask and Ha!, the sweeper threw it to the dustbin! -.-" Whew~ Because of this incidence, I tried to open my mouth and asked the workers at Asia Cafe tonight for my lost purse.
After reaching home from Inti, I went to attend driving lesson. Grr...Sound pollution again! It's really fun to drive on highway as you can drive faster and smoother. I like it! 80km/j for my max! like playing roller coaster...hee.. (I don't like CM's driving skill tonight!-that's dangerous roller coaster)
Then, I prepared myself to Inti after the driving lesson. I should have reached there around 6pm but CM was busy in making up (I guess, =P). So, he fetched me only around 6.30pm with Siew Fai and reached there around 7pm like Weiling and Lisan. Since it was late, there wasn't a need for my help at that night. Then, I just joined weiling they all to "enjoy" the performance. Actually, I was quite disappointed with this sem's Orientation Night (theme-Egyptian). I met Poulina and Elephant too, asked them to join us as well since they were alone. However, we left Inti to Asia Cafe for dinner not long after we were seated. Also, this is to skip some sound pollution(speech by VIP). Ha..
When we joined back, it was actually right time as it just started Mr.Inti and Ms.Inti talent show. Oh..Avanda joined too and she performed well with ballet and a bit of Jazz(told by Weiling),don'e know what's that. For Mr.Inti, there was one who looks like Chen Wong. HA..
Really disappointed to that Orientation Night! Haihz..raining even worsened it. So far, magic performance was nice only. too bad, too sad...
The end...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Active in Clubs
I was told when I started my first sem last year. So, I decided to join Circle-K which really looked active for me that time. But, so far, there wasn't any activity for me. Then, the 2nd sem, I joined ping pong club as I like playing it. However, the training time for it was late (6-8pm). I couldn't make it as I didn't have transport to go back that late.
Then, I was called up by the scholarship unit,asking for my report. Oh my! I just realized I need to submit a report regarding my co-curricular achievement, whether I'm a sleeping member or not.
So, this sem, I decided to join some like Stact Club which is really active in doing charity; Music Club which I hope to learn some musical instruments and Elephant's joining the club too so it might be more fun; and lastly, still ping pong club which I really hope to find some to play ping pong with me as Weiling they all are busy now. So, today, Poulina and I went to concourse to sign up some clubs as member. We signed up as Stact Club member as planned. Then, I tried to find booth of Music Club and Ping pong, but couldn't get them. Instead, we found Photography Club. It looks interesting but Angie(temporarily president) told us she will end this club and start a new club for Northwood. While for Music club, Poulina managed to find it. I walked to the booth...and, HA! This is what I found!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
First gathering with college mates.. ^.^
This gathering should be on the last sem(October,2008) after our last paper for final exam. Unfortunately, many of us couldn’t make it so we postponed and set it on this special day, 14Jan09, also ezen’s 19th birthday. Also, Guat Ai’s birthday on the 2nd day. What a coincidence! (I was told by them 2 days ago after the date was set.)
Due to our poor schedule we have for this sem, we could only go for the steamboat restaurant after 6hrs continuously classes without breaks at 2pm. Arranging transport and here we go! Uncle Yuhan fetched us to buy cake first at my favourite bakery house-RT then to Bandar Sunway. There are really lots of steamboat restaurants which offer buffet at cheap price. below RM20 for per person. However, all the restaurants would only start operating at 5pm. We went to Yuen, Summer, Cao QIng, and finally RNC. The earliest operating time is 4pm,we were told. Standing under such “lovely” sun wasn’t that nice!
Finally, I had no choice but to ask the restaurant to start as early as they could. So, the shopkeeper agreed to start around 3.30pm(that moment was 3pm)and we settled down there to wait for others’ arriving. Luckily, we still found the only steamboat restaurant. Ha.. thanks to REN NI CI Steamboat Restaurant!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Start of year 2009
Because of the half glass of Heineken, I could sleep well but nightmare started after the driving uncle woke me up with his phone call around 9am, asking me whether I wanted to make my driving lesson earlier to morning (our appointment should be at 2pm so I refused as mom said we might be having meal with grandma). Then, I dreamt something badly. I dreamt that mom suddenly told me that I should indeed choose Accounting because Marketing and Management are not suitable for me. And, I was extremely sad. I couldn’t speak or cry to express my feeling. Owh…It was too horrible. I woke up finally at 10am. But, the effect after drinking Heineken is still with me till now. Blur…
At home, just left dad, mom and I, so we just had our breakfast outside and went o grandma’s house for a sit. My cousin—Itchy Yap (Yang Yang) also came. Such nice nickname (Itchy) was given by his nice cousin sister, Tian XIn. =P Here is some of the photos of him.
Around 2pm, I started my driving lesson of 2nd time. Grr.. Hate the uncle. He kept on mumbling. So annoying that even such friendly person like me also couldn’t stand his voice and didn’t want to talk. Even when he said something wrongly about my skill, I didn’t care him just “socialize” him by nodding my head. I was too blurred that time because of Heineken. Really not feeling well, gastric came to find me also. Ouch! All came together, gastric, blurred mind, and also the real sound pollution (uncle’s voice), I could hardly drive well.
Hmm… That’s my first day of year 2009!
Hoping something better to have at night!
My New Year wish in year 2009: Hope I could handle both co-curricular activities and academic results well! I aim you, CGPA 3.5!
Exciting activities on the last day of year 2008
It was the last day of year 2008! And, we –SF1ians decided to hold a New Year eve party at Wei Ling’s house on the 31st of December, 2008. Besides some SF1 like Weiling, Lisan, Chen Kiat, Kai Qing, Kean Mun, Woon Khai, Chun Mun, Jensen, Siew Fai (who still attended the party even after non-stop travelling and just came back to Earth around 3pm that day) and me, we were glad to invite some guests like Jing Hooi, Yew Chin, Boon Ho and also a new friend brought by me.
I was too excited to join the party and since I was so free, I did something funnily or perhaps can be described as stupid. Ha… Around 4pm, I took LRT from Universiti station to Wangsa Maju to meet Carol. I thought she would take LRT from there but then, I just realized there’s a station called Melati and she took LRT from there while I was stupidly looking at the escalator to wait her. -.- Then, we “jumped” into the LRT. And, here we started our nice journey! Being inside the LRT for so long had caused us to feel ill due to the lack of oxygen. Finally, we reached Paramount station and Weiling is always a good driver =P. She was there when Carol and I reached. Gone to Giant to buy some drinks and 7-11 to buy a pack of ice, we reached Weiling’s house safely and saw Kai Qing was welcoming us by giving a “warm” smile to us. We really had nothing to do, just sat there and saw how Weiling cooked pasta for us. Senior citizen then reached with his parachute, accompanied by his same-type friend, Boon Ho. Hmm… It has been so long for us to meet since the ping pong game at CHS in August. Also, it’s quite a long time for me to play jokes with those senior citizens. So glad to see them coming for this party! Haihz… I had no nice image in front of Carol when playing with them. She even laughed at me! She’s quite sociable that night as I could see she’s familiar with them, joined them to take me as laughing stock. But, Tian Xin’s always kind enough to allow them to tease me as their entertainment. Ha…
Then, time to have our bbq dinner. We ate till half but still couldn’t see Jensen and his gang. So, I called up him and realized that they were taking LRT to here. They reached late but the food which we thought insufficient were still enough for them. We even planned to order Domino but we ended up with left food—sweet potato. Whew~ Luckily... From this BBQ dinner, I learnt not to trust Carol’s skill. =P She gave me uncooked meat ball. Ew~ Salty+ uncooked+ a bit of cold feeling of the meat ball caused me to have no appetite even more. Then, that was the end of my dinner after having it.
After dinner, everyone entered Weiling’s house and again, we played card games. First, we played “Bluff” again and I taught Carol the way. Too bad, even she’s new to everyone, most people especially Jensen still caught her in the game. In the second game, she improved very much, caused her to be famous in the game. Ha… Due to the left food, eating sweet potato was the punishment for losers when we started my “Brain Game No.1”. Material is cards. Jing Hooi was so lucky to be the first who obeyed the loser’s rule—eating sweet potato. So obedient and I was quite surprised with every loser’s act of eating sweet potato which is good for our brain (Mom told me). It was just 10pm something, I guess, when most people started to feel bored. So, I introduced another “Brain Game”. Material is hands. This is much exciting because players can control the game compared to “Brain Game No.1” which is more dependent on our luck. Again, losers were needed to obey the loser’s rule of eating delicious sweet potato as their supper. Most players ate the delicious food except Carol and I. >=) Just guess why! (hint: we didn’t become losers who needed to enjoy sweet potato when playing “Brain Game”).
Time passed and it finally reached 11.55pm (CHS time). Weiling and I went to prepare the glasses and beers with the help of Jing Hooi also. Then, two RT cakes were ready. Accepted my suggestion, Weiling and Jing Hooi brought the cake out and sang Birthday song to the most blur one-Siew Fai. Actually, my target was Carol but I changed because I was afraid it’d frighten her. A short photo session after that and it passed 12am (CHS time). So, we decided to follow the normal time again. -.- 10, 9, 8 ,7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Did we countdown? I don’t think so. Everyone just made a wish and 3, 2, 1; blow! The candles were out of light and the cakes were full of…ahem, you should know. Due to delicious cakes from RT, we could finish the two cakes! *Claps Then, everyone was given half glass of Heineken. Cheers… This was my first time drinking alcohol so much. I usually just taste some wine to socialize my uncles during dinners. After finishing the beer and the cake, it was time for us who took LRT to rush to station as Jensen told us that stations would be closed at 12.30am.
So, with two responsible drivers (Weiling and Kai Qing), 9 of us reached LRT station safely. Followed thesa5re gang back to Sri Petaling station, Carol and I were running here and there. So funny and indeed it was excited. Ha… But, running after drinking alcoholic drink had really made me to feel sick. Being “cheated” by a stranger, we went wrong way and needed to climb the stairs so fast, up and down, to rush for LRT. We waited for quite long, seeing one LRT passed and followed by another. And, we started to think whether we had really gone wrong way for not following the stranger’s words. While we going to walk down the stairs again, luckily the LRT reached. If not, I think we needed to act like kids running here and there. Ha… Then, we started our LRT journey. When we reached Masjid Jamek, I accidentally left Carol who should come to my house to stay overnight. Oops… =P (kidding, she decided to go back home since she was taking LRT which would take her back to Tmn. Melati). Or, perhaps, there was another reason for her not to follow us. Hmmm..I wonder…
The guys continued their next activity while I continued to Sri Petaling station. Then, there’s the end of the day. ^.^
How’s yours?